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Why You Should Be Playing in Your Closet

I admit it.  I play in my closet, and I do it often.  I used to hide the fact that I have these “Closet Play Dates”.  I didn’t even want my husband to know, and would only do it when he was away from the house.  Not anymore. I’m putting it out in the open, and letting you know why you should be playing in your closet too.

I believe we all desire to look effortlessly stylish. You know, like those chic people photographed on the streets of major world cities during every fashion week.  We see them and wonder how they knew to combine that shirt and jacket, and top it with that beautiful scarf to create an amazing look.  You may think they were just born with a stylish gene that predisposes them to making great fashion choices.  That’s nonsense!  Either they, or their stylist has been playing in the closet.  Here are reasons you should do the same:

Because effortless style requires effort

When dressing yourself, like most any activity, practice provides a better outcome.  When I practice styling an item, I try it with different combinations to learn what works well and what does not.  I also take photos of the final looks for later reference.  The photos provide an opportunity to objectively edit the look, and are an easy reference for getting dressed later. When showtime comes, you know what pieces go to together and you are confident that you look great.

Some of my playthings.

Saves time

Knowing what items to pull from your closet, prevents that moment when you’re aimlessly staring into the closet hoping that an amazing outfit jumps out and places itself on you.  You will also avoid being late to work, or an event, because you’re desperately trying to create an outfit that makes you feel good.  Lack of planning often ends with a with a pile of rejected choices on your bed (or floor), or wearing the same thing you always wear.

Prevents wardrobe boredom.

I notice that most people wear their clothing items the same way every time they wear them (see reason #2); styling the same pants, with the same shirt and jacket time and time again.  No wonder there is no excitement about getting dressed every day.  If they were playing in their closets, they would have many ways to mix those items up, creating unique looks.


Maximizes the wearability of your items.

You can use your closet play time to figure out how to style that item you say you love, but continue to push further back in the closet for lack of knowing how to wear it.  On a recent Closet Play Date, I styled a pair of trousers I recently purchased form the Target x La Ligne collaboration.  I was able to create about 20 different looks during my hour-long Closet Play Date.

Closet Play Date with the Target x La Ligne pants.

My typical personal Closet Play Date is one hour (unless I lose focus and start pulling other items), and two hours when styling a client.  Not only do I photograph my final looks, I record them too. You can find them on my Instagram page @mystyleismybrand.  Talk about coming out of the closet!

 Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more style inspiration and tips.

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10 thoughts on “Why You Should Be Playing in Your Closet

  1. Kia ora Sabra!
    I love your style, your IG is pumping as well.
    I think of your posts when I’m ‘styling’ myself something special, and am currently editing my wardrobe.
    Last night my kids and I headed out to a street party, and I had friends commenting on how great I looked, and on my cool ensemble 😀 I got something right!
    Congrats on your new website- I’ll be watching and loving it from Aotearoa New Zealand.

    1. Hi Erin! Thank you. That is so exciting!! Sounds like you killed it. Thank you for hopping over to the website.

  2. Just found my way to your blog after finding and following your instagram a couple of weeks ago. I love this article about playing in your wardrobe; the amount of times I’ve been late getting out the door wearing exactly the same as last week, when I really wanted to wear something new or different, but I hadn’t made any time to try it out with other items I have to create a great new outfit. I will play more from now on! The outfit is always more than one item!

    1. Hi Cheryl,

      Thank you for coming over to check out the blog. I can’t emphasize enough the difference it will make. You will love getting dressed more when you have a new ways of wearing your clothes. Choose one item to style a minimum of three ways. Let me know how it goes.


  3. Thank you! I will definitely be “playing in my closet” more!! I do run into the problem of having a look not look quite the way I planned and then getting frustrated and running late!!

    1. Hi Velma, it’s going to make a big difference. You’ll have more options when you’re getting dressed, and also have outfits on deck that you’re looking forward to wearing. Sometimes I’ll do impromptu closet play dates that are prompted by me seeing two pieces together as I’m putting laundry away. I get the urge to just try something new!

  4. Well… Sabra… This article took me out of my box.. I will be closet playing going forward without guilt..
    You have given it a name and purpose … I will be dressing up to practice… Color combinations… Style combinations, texture combinations.

    1. Hi Fundi,

      No guilt for doing what brings you joy, especially when it’s not hurting anyone. You’re going to unlock so many fun, new styles by doing the Closet Play Date. Guaranteed. Have fun!
