My Favorites

Motivation for Fitness

I am often asked what it is I do for exercise. The short answer is, for the past 11 years, I have been doing in-home workouts from a streaming service.  The workouts that include a combination of resistance training, cardio, high-intensity interval training, and yoga.  However, it’s difficult to talk about what I do today without discussing how I got here.  My relationship with exercise and fitness has evolved with each phase of my life, as have my reasons for engaging in a consistent routine.

My earliest memory of exercise is my Mom exercising to Carol Hensel albums.  These albums predated the VCR, and the fitness video craze of the 80s, popularized by Jane Fonda. Each album included an instruction booklet in the album sleeve, and all of the workouts were choreographed to popular music of the time.  My sister and I would always join in the fun, throwing on our leotards and legwarmers, and do the moves right alongside Mom in our living room.  I was about 8 or 9 years old, and my sister was 2 or 3.

My first fitness role model (Mom) after we completed the Wonder Woman 10K run.

Throughout my adolescence, exercise was in the form of mandatory physical education classes in school. This period is not a good memory.  Having to change into the uniform in a locker room of girls, developing more rapidly than myself, was the stuff of awkward, adolescent insecurity nightmares.  I was overjoyed when, in high school, I was able to substitute PE with the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps class.

Exercise didn’t enter my life again until some friends and I enrolled in a college PE class.  Over the course of the quarter, my body began to change in ways that surprised me.  I had always been thin and never given exercise much though but, when I began to develop muscle and become toned, I was intrigued. I started going to the gym on occasion, though still didn’t made it part of my life.

That all changed after college graduation, when I got an apartment with my best friend and her new-born infant daughter.  As she would be home all day caring for her daughter, I felt the need to have some alone time away from the apartment. My parents had purchased a gym family plan years before, so I decided to use the gym as a way to get away, and it didn’t cost me anything.  I have not stopped working out since that time.

Once I began frequenting the gym, I met a trainer who trained me for free.  Working with the trainer built my confidence to work with free weights, and started my exercise education. In these early days, I enjoyed the aesthetic results aspect of exercise. I looked great, and my skinny frame began to fill out.

As I got older, the exercise didn’t seem to be working as well as it had in my early 20s.  I gained weight and was not as toned, despite consistently working out three days per week.  That’s when I learned about the importance of nutrition, and learned that food was the most important part of the equation. Once I figured that out, the extra weight came off and the toned body came back.

I learned about nutrition and was more fit in my 40s than my 30s.

Over the years I’ve done everything from weight lifting to running, and everything in between to keep fit. Before my wedding I created a one-woman bridal boot camp to ensure I could fit my dress with no issues on the big day.  Exercise has become as second nature as brushing my teeth.

Bridal boot camp worked to perfection.

Now entering my 50s and experiencing the realities of menopause, I have let go of the aesthetic expectations I held through my early 40s.  My reasons for exercise are focused on, what I call the “-ilities”.  They are capability, agility, stability, flexibility, and strength.  These are the things that matter most now.

When my husband and I travel, we like to do adventurous excursions.  I want to continue doing those things, so fitness is now a quality-of-life issue for me, and the aesthetics are the cherry on top.

Glacier hiking with my husband is something I want to be able to do for a long time.

It is never too late to start your fitness journey or regain some of the “-ilities” that have diminished over the years,  You just need to make up your mind to make it a priority.

If you’re interested in  the streaming service I use, feel free to message me for more information.

Follow me on Instagram at @mystyleismybrand.

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8 thoughts on “Motivation for Fitness

    1. Hi Meridyth, I have use Beachbody workouts to stay fit for the past 11 years. They offer everything from beginner to advanced workouts. I tend to stream the preirecorded programs through Beachbody on demand :, but they also offer Live classes you can do in the comfort of your home, including cycling classes. There is excellent and easy-to-follow guidance for nutrition, which is really key. There are “coaches” who can answer questions and give you support and encouragement. I am a coach, but haven’t really been active in a while. I’ve considered becoming active again to encourage some of my IG followers to get and stay active. Memberships are 3 months, 6 months or annual and range from $75 (3- month) to $120 (annual). There’s an additional fee for the live program access. Sample workouts are available on the website as well.

      Anywho, this is what has worked for me for more than a decade now. I can definitely help you if you want more info.


      1. Thanks so much. I love your instagram posts. My style is very different from yours and I still learn a lot. You even inspired a trip to the Fluevog store, with happy results.

        1. Hi Meridyth,

          Thank you so much for your support. I follow and am inspired by many people with style dissimilar to mine. I too, find that I learn something from those folks.

          Oh boy! A trip to the Fluevog store…what a treat. Those are probably the most fun shoes you could ever buy. I’m glad you found something you love.


  1. You are amazing! I’m also in my 50s and would love the name of your streaming service. Your style is Supa fly!! Keep making us 50 year old black women shine!! Thank you!

    Dr. Tam

    1. Hi Dr. Tam,

      Thank you so much. I can accept aging, but I’m not just throwing in towel. Living every day!


    1. Hi Stacey, the streaming platform I use is Beachbody. They have workouts for every level from beginner to advanced. Subscriptions range from monthly to annual. Most importantly, they also provide nutrition guides.